Bethesda - by Carmen Platt

Bethesda - by Carmen Platt


Bethesda refers to a reservoir, an empty container, a “house of mercy”. Likewise I want my words to be like empty containers, seeking healing for our raw and authentic human experience through stories, truth and honesty. May these words be empty, to be filled.

Lyt til den sidste episode:

If you have forgotten to look into the mirror of your heart, or whatever you want to call it

Tidligere episoder

  • 111 - Truth in a technicolor coat 
    Mon, 18 May 2020
  • 109 - Bear with yourself 
    Thu, 07 May 2020
  • 108 - Mend some fences 
    Sat, 02 May 2020
  • 107 - Sun-filled-joy 
    Thu, 30 Apr 2020
  • 106 - Job offer 
    Sun, 26 Apr 2020
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