Leger om livet

Leger om livet

Lege Annette Dragland & Acast

Podcasten Leger om livet er en podcast om kropp, helse og sinn.

Lege Annette Dragland tar opp temaer som søvn, stress, meditasjon, fordøyelse, pust, ernæring, mental helse, seksuell helse og mye mer, med landets fremste eksperter.

Samarbeide med Leger om livet? Ta kontakt på stine@acast.com

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Kategorier: Sundhed

Lyt til den sidste episode:

“The heart pumps blood, the lungs pump oxygen. The brain—well, for me, it has always pumped survival. .. Everything the brain does has a positive intent, but sometimes the way it goes about it is counterproductive. Fortunately, we can change that."

Jason White Birkevold Liem has a master of science in clinical psychology and cognitive sciences and is dedicated to helping individuals and teams build resilience, leadership, and personal growth.With over 20 years of experience, he focuses on practical brain-based skills that support effective self-management, communication, and leadership

In the episode we dive into:

How do we build resilience? 

Can we reframe the way we view our life? 

Why is cognitive hygiene so important in life?

Practical skills to improve our mental health and resilience

Where to reach Jason Liem: 

LinkedIn https://no.linkedin.com/in/jasonliem

Podcast It´s an inside job https://its_an_inside_job.buzzsprout.com/


Wishing you a great week!


For more:




Disclaimer: The content of the podcast and on this website is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare professionals if you have questions regarding a medical condition.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • 180 - #176. Resilience, mental clarity, cognitive hygiene and healing. With Jason Liem. 
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  • 179 - #175. Mønstre fra fortiden, grensesetting, kjernesår og hvordan gi slipp på mønstre som ikke gjør deg godt. Med lege Aili Kristina Hannisdal. 
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  • 178 - #174. Trenger jeg virkelig alle disse medikamentene? Livsstilstiltak, mindfulness og veien til bedre helse. Med lege Morten Finckenhagen. 
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  • 177 - #173. Hvordan bygge seg opp igjen- kosthold, helhetlig helse og å våge å være seg selv. Med lege Kristin Evensen 
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  • 176 - #172. Sa jeg noe feil? Hvordan møte hverandre, unngå samtalefellene og skape rom for nærhet. Men psykolog Aksel Inge Sinding. 
    Tue, 05 Nov 2024 - 0h
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